
What is your favorite fictional fantasyland?

(Artist: David Revoy. Image from Wikimedia Commons)

 Here's your voucher. A bonafide ticket to any world you'd like to travel to. Asgard? Atlantis? Discworld? We can transfer you anywhere. Pick your destination and we'll punch the ticket.

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Christine Rains

Yes, I am one of those fans who would love to live in the Harry Potter world. Of course, I'd have to be a witch. Right now, I'm just a plain old muggle. I would happily be a teacher at Hogwarts. The castle itself is a fantasyland I could explore for the rest of my life. It would be magic and wonder every day. Then I could create a spell to make the calories from chocolate disappear. Oh the dreams I have!

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M. Pax

Since finding Daggerfall way, way back in the 1990's, I've wanted to live in the lands of the Elder Scrolls. The stories and vistas have captured my imagination and held it. It's the only game I play outside of solitaire. From time to time elements from these lands may leak into my stories. Ooo.

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River Fairchild

Shangri-La would be the place for me. Peace, happiness, and an almost immortal life? The sound from a hundred waterfalls? What's not to like? And what incredible views!

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Misha Gerrick

Unless we're counting my own fantasylands, Narnia will always be my favorite. I just love the magic that pervades it, and the fact that it seems so very possible to get there. (I'm still check big wardrobes when I encounter them.)

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Ellie Garratt

It would have to be Fantasia from The Neverending Story. I have a special fondness for this film. Every time I watch it, I'm hit with a flood of memories from my childhood. My crush on Atreyu. My sister and I singing the theme song. Pretending I had my own Falkor and could fly. What could be better than travelling to a place filled with such happy memories?

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Julie Flanders

Like Christine, my vote is for the fantasy land of Harry Potter. I can't imagine a better place to go to school than Hogwarts. I hated gym class in school because I'm such a terrible athlete, but I bet that would all change if I could hop on a broom and play quidditch. Before I even got to Hogwarts I'd love to go to London and shop in Diagon Alley. My first stop would be Eyelops to get my very own little owl. Who doesn't want their own Hedwig?

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Cherie Reich

For fantasy lands like our own, my heart lies with Hogwarts, but I would love to journey to Middle Earth, particularly Rivendell. The elves have such a rich history. I'd love to learn their language. Plus, the elves are rather easy on the eyes.

Catherine Stine

One of my very favorite go-to fantasy-lands is still to the world of Pippi Longstocking. She was fearless, joyful, independent and utterly unconcerned with what people thought about her. She was politically incorrect, smoking in the woods with her little buddies. Pippi was so strong she could lift a man, or even a horse, and she did creative things like paint polka-dots on it. She had her own friggin' monkey! How fun is that!? Plus she set hair trends with her wacky up-do braids. Her house was a cute clapboard with shutters painted in candy colors. All I have to do when my energy or confidence lags is to think of her to get a triple shot of moxie. 
Gwen Gardner

Another vote for Harry Potter! Besides being the most awesome fantasy world I know of, it's full of wisdom, like the poster above. What better mentor to have than Dumbledore. He was not only a wonderful role model for the students at Hogwarts, but a role model in this non-fictional world of ours, where the young struggle to fit in. 

"It is our choices, Harry, that show us what we truly are, far more than our abilities."

~Albus Dumbledore

"It matters not what someone is born, but what they grow to be."

~Albus Dumbledore

"Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light."

~Albus Dumbledore

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Jeff Chapman

At first I thought of Neverwhere, but I don't like how the inhabitants treated cats. Next choice? Garth Nix's Old Kingdom. The split along the wall between medieval Old Kingdom and 1920s Ancelstierre takes some time to wrap your head around, but it grows on you after a book or two. I would be content to live in the Old Kingdom at the Abhorsen's house—got to have running water on all sides—and trade snide comments with my favorite character, Mogget. I guess it all comes down to cats. 


  1. Oooh.
    So many choices.
    My love of dragons would make Pern high on any list. Mind you, I would like to visit each and every one of the magical places you have listed.
    Which makes me fickle. And/or greedy.

    1. EC - I love Pern too! I decided it would be rough to live there though, if I weren't a dragonrider. ;)

    2. Ooo. Pern would be a cool place to hang.

    3. Pern would have to be a top choice, even though I have flying. Maybe I'd have to be a harper rather than a dragonrider. And if not there, waiting for the next Threadfall, then it would have to be in Middle Earth, probably in Rohan with the Rohirrim. (Do go there, of course, in Lord of the Rings Online... and I got to talk with Frodo & co.)

    4. Roland - Belonging to the Harper Hall would be fabulous!

  2. So many wonderful choices! I'm not familiar with Garth Nix. I'll have to remedy that situation.

  3. How wonderful would it be if we each got our tickets punched and could go! I remember Pippi when I was a girl, but my pigtails would never stand out like that! :)

    1. Pippi was one of my favorites as a girl. I wanted her as a best friend.

    2. I remember Pippi from when I was young too. She had it made, a kid with no adult to put a damper on her style. LOL.

    3. Wasn't her father like a pirate too?

  4. So many fascinating places. River, you can likely find the audio versions of Nix's Old Kingdom books at your library. Tim Curry does the narration. Highly recommended. He does an awesome Mogget, who takes on the form of a white cat through most of the series.

    1. Thanks for the info, Jeff! Any book with a magical cat has to be awesome. :)

  5. That's a good question. Harry Potter popped into my head first, but I'm thinking I'd rather visit the entire Marvel universe. I might need something to help me live a little longer so I can explore everything. ;)

    1. Patricia - The Marvel universe would be awesome! Be sure to take along your superpowers. :)

    2. That's a wonderful idea. Plus, you'd probably get a cape.

    3. I want a cape! And a magic belt too.

    4. Everyone strike their superhero pose!

    5. My Marvel alter-Ego is "Acid". Since I was a child most metals my skin came into regular contact with quickly corroded! Watches, my trumpets, anything not made of Gold, Stainless steel, or titanium. "Hey, team, steel door? No problem!"

  6. Such great choices and wonderful images! I do love those Dumbledore quotes.

  7. I loved Neverwhere, but not sure I want to visit it.

  8. Wonderful choices! There are so many different fantasylands to choose from. It was hard to choose just one.

  9. Awesome choices! Rivendell was a close second for me.

    Interesting that none of us voted for Westeros. :-P

    1. Westeros seems to have a high mortality rate... :P

    2. Yeah, Westeros is a bit too dark and deadly.

  10. Haha, looks like Harry Potter world might be the winner. So many great choices though. Escapism is wonderful ;)

  11. Some excellent choices- pretty much all of these worlds have something to recommend them. I think mine would have to be Disc world (though running a shop in Hogsmeade would be a close second). I'd live in Ank Morpork and work for William de Worde at the Ankh-Morpork times.

  12. Some great choices and reasons behind them! I might like to visit Hobbiton.

    1. Ava - I'd love to live in one of the hobbit houses!

    2. I'm probably short enough to fit well in a hobbit house.

    3. Me, too. I've never been afflicted with excess height.

  13. Love your choices! I would have a tough time choosing just one. I think I would like to start at Bag End, make my way to Rivendell, then somehow take a portkey to Hogwarts, then a wardrobe to Narnia. And, if Pippi made an appearance, I would be honored. :)

    1. Awesome, Tyrean! Combine them all - like taking a trip around the world, right?

    2. Ooo, a combo. I should have thought of that.

  14. Oh the choices! I have to say I would love in Harry's Potter's world and 2nd-Riverdale-Love fairies

  15. Interesting choices no doubt, looks like Harry Potter will do for me. Greetings!

    1. Hi, Blogoratti! It seems as though Harry Potter would be ideal for many of us. :)

  16. Oh man...have I beaten around that question more than once. The problem is, in my mind, I cannot self insert any ability to myself that I don't already have. Harry Potter sounds fun but I'd be a muggle. I think I'm more akin to something like Middle Earth or Westeros. I imagine I'd get alone well drinking and eating and fighting and farming.

    1. Robet - Hahaha! I'd be a muggle too. I think that's why I chose Shangri-La. No pressure to be something spectacular. You can have Westeros. *shudder*

  17. Lots of great suggestions, but for me it would be the realms of MYST. All the way back to the early 90's, the scenes, mysteries, puzzles, places, and steampunk inspired transportation methods have always fascinated. Some think it lonely, but it is a marvelous place to also simply be alone.

    1. Donrazor - I never got into video games. At times (like NOW!) I feel like I'm missing out on something awesome. Alone appeals to me. It sounds like my kind of place. :)

  18. Just give a ticket to any of these, and I'm there. All offer up adventure.

    1. Lee - I'd like to propose an Orient Express-type of train ride through all of them, with plenty of time to stop and explore. :) All aboard!

    2. Grabbing my travel bag now.

    3. I think you've got it right, Lee. Why pick only one? We should all go off to all of them together. :)


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