
Pinterest: A World of Pure Imagination

Social media is both a writer's tool and a hindrance. We use Twitter, Facebook, Google+, and many others forms to communicate with our readers and fellow writers. But it comes with a price - time. If you're not careful, hours can be lost reading status feeds and twitter streams. For these very reasons, I resisted joining Pinterest until a couple of weeks ago. Boy am I glad I finally did join, and let me share with you why I feel that way.

  • Pinterest is quick and easy to set up. A picture and couple of lines for a bio, and you're away. 
  • There are no status updates, friends requests, messages, game requests you have no interest in, adverts, or a host of other time-sucking activities associated with some other forms of social media.
  • You simply set up 'boards' (secret or public) that you pin inspirational pictures to. You can find these pictures by searching Pinterest, following other people or boards, or pinning from the web. There's a handy Pin option you can download to your toolbar. 
  • Boards can be created to inspire a particular project you're working, form a working storyboard, or give your readers a visual teaser of the stories you have or are creating.
  • Best of all, it's free.
For me, the most important thing about Pinterest is being able to visualize the world I'm creating through art. It provides me with a much needed shot of inspiration without draining to much of my time. Here's the board I've started, with little effort, for the science fiction series I'm writing.

The words of a rather famous song sum up how I feel about Pinterest:

Come with me and you'll see
In a world of pure imagination
Take a look and you'll see
Into your imagination

So, have you discovered Pinterest yet? Have I tempted you to take a look?


  1. I LOVE your sample Pinterest photos, and I'm so visually oriented that it's crazy I haven't yet ventured onto Pinterest. Soon enough, my pretties!

  2. I'm on Pinterest, too. I like it, but I've found that it is also a time sucker if you follow and peruse through pins of people who like and repin your stuff.

  3. Those are fantastic pictures! I haven't been to Pinterest yet. I have a hard time keeping up with the social media I do have. Yet I love seeing the art on there.

  4. I'm tempted, but heaven knows I don't need another thing to spend time on. :-D

  5. Pinterest is a great place to spend some time. It's where I get inspiration for new work. And for my last book I sent my cover artist to the Backworlds album to be inspired by the same images I was.

  6. I have a Pinterest account, but I don't do much with it yet. That's a good idea to use it for storyboards. I've been thinking about doing that, but I haven't had the time.

    Hehe! And when I do venture on Pinterest, I find all sorts of food and recipes that I can't cook but sure look good. :)

  7. It's so fun, isn't it? I use it for brainstorming when starting a new project.


What's happening in your dimension?